Daily Archives: May 16, 2017

Recharge yourself

It was quite a lazy day and I felt quite sick. With nothing to do but rest, I could feel the tremor of my head ache. My little Cherry came unto me and sniffed me. “Poor little girl. What would she do all day at home?” I wondered. As she woke up from the bed, I noticed her running to pick her favorite layered bone. This was a bone made of hide of goat. I have noticed that it is layered and has a small treat inside it. Generally she would give it to Zooie and Zooie would in turn remove the layers and finally give the treat to Cherry. This is the usual scenario I have seen. As usual, Cherry gave it to Zooie but Zooie was not interested to chew it. As Cherry tried a couple of times and Zooie didn’t respond, she took it herself and jumped onto the bed. Cherry was just being treated for her fever since the last two days. With high temperature still, she was jumping around.

As I carefully noticed her, she was holding the bone passionately and chewing it. She chewed and chewed for the next half an hour but did not succeed to open the layer. She went back to Zooie but didn’t get a response. She continued chewing again for the next half an hour. I could see the tiredness in her face but she didn’t give up. I felt weak and hungry. I had lunch and came back to bed. Cherry’s face was shivering in rage. I could hear the stiffness of the bone and the bites of her jaw. It was noisier than usual. Suddenly she started breathing heavily and panting. This was common in pugs. I pacified her and told her to stay calm. After a couple of minutes, she was normal and ran to get the bone. I scolded her but she didn’t seem to listen. After about an hour I heard the loud thug sound and she brought the little treat to me. Her eyes were glowing in pride. She jumped and circled around her tail and seemed overwhelmed. It appeared to be a victory celebration of my little one. She was showing me all circus and her happiness.


I didn’t know where her sickness vanished. Sometime back I had a question “What would she do the whole day?” and I now had an answer. The little one seemed to do something out of her passion. It may sound funny but there are definitely many aspects to learn from this!

When she approached Zooie, it reminded me of the hard times we often have and approach someone for help. The world is full of lovely people, of course. However due to priorities and their responsibilities, we cannot always expect others hand holding us – be it parents, siblings, spouse or friends. It is definitely not that no one would help but when such situation arises we need to be prepared ourselves. I remember my conversation with my colleague when I said “If it’s not the right place or situation for you, make it right!” Yes, we do have the capability to make our environment right.

When she tried and tried, it reminded me of the many failures that we may have seen and faced. We often get tired and term fate being the reason behind our failures. But she didn’t give up because she had a passion. I remembered the quote “Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing“. Something that is exciting to us keeps us going.

When she had the breathlessness and waited for a while, I thought she would forget the bone. But after a couple of minutes, she presumed it again. She probably did not imagine that her breathlessness would cause major trauma. She is blessed not to read on google on why she was breathless. She is blessed that she did not research on millions of diseases related to her condition and imagine. She was indirectly telling me “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right!

She still had high temperatures but ran and performed all the dance she could before settling for water. She did not wrap herself in the bed all day nor needed Glucon D for instant energy. Doing things what she was fond of was her boost. I understood “Passion is Energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you!

“Do I still feel sick?” I asked myself. My little bundle of joy taught me great lessons. I wanted to get my energy up and do what I am passionate about. Here is my energy flowing unto me to keep me going! I feel recharged!